Your garage door is strong!

Strong door

Garage doors are one of the heftiest pieces of equipment in the entire home. Although we don’t often think about it, garage doors do a lot of heavy work. Our team took a look at some of the performance challenges that garage doors are subject to. A lot of these factors have never been considered before. After reading these facts, you won’t be able to look at your garage door the same way again! These tips and pointers can help you understand exactly what your garage door goes through on a daily basis, and why it’s important to invest in proper installation and maintenance care.

Garage doors work hard every day

Our garage doors go through a lot of work on a daily basis, and we often don’t even realize it. Consider all of the times the following has happened to your door:

  • It might be constantly hit by soccer balls, footballs, and more playtime objects.
  • It helps maintain a warm space during the winter and a cooler space during the summer.
  • It serves as a security measure that protects against the rest of the house. Many intruders try to enter through the garage, and do so unsuccessfully.
  • It stays completely strong during extreme weather situations.

How important are garage door tasks?

  • We have calculated that a garage door performs over 25,000 operations, which includes open/close cycles, over the course of its life! This is equivalent to climbing Mount Everest 5 times.
  • The garage door withstands the sun’s heavy rays every single day. It does not wither from the heat or cause radiation from overexposure. It never gets a sunburn and never fades.
  • The garage door accumulates enough energy from the sun to cook a turkey daily.
  • It can withstand heavy forces of wind, and stays strong even when the wind currents equal the weight of a car.
  • During the winter season, the temperature difference between the garage and the outside can be staggering. There can be a difference of over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The garage door provides enough protection to keep anybody warm. The degree of protection is roughly equivalent to three heavily insulated coats on top of each other!
  • The same force of protection is applicable for the summer seasons as well. The garage stays cool enough to be comfortable, while the door protects against the heaviest of heat waves.

Now you can better understand your door

This article is further proof that a well-insulated garage door is the right choice for you. Garage doors that come equipped with polyurethane insulation are the best choices as they offer insulation, protection, noise reduction, and more.

If you have any further questions or are in need of advice, contact us at 705-324-1005. We also have a showroom available to display the newest and greatest types of garage doors available. Our representatives are happy to walk you through all of our available products and installation plans .You can also go to our website to request an online quotation.

If you do have plans to change your garage door, you should visit our online Design Centre and browse styles for a virtual idea of what your home could look like. You can also view our image gallery to see what others have created.

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