Protecting your car in the garage

House With a Garage Door

Parking in a one-car garage requires a certain level of finesse, especially if you also use your garage for storage. You certainly don’t want to hit anything, and you definitely need to be well-centred with enough room to open your car doors. So, what can you do?

Park right, every time

Tennis ball

Worried that you can’t seem to find the right spot in the garage? Well, there’s an easy solution to that! One cheap and effective solution is to hang a tennis ball from a piece of string on the garage door, when the door opens, the tennis ball comes down. You inch forward, and when the tennis ball touches the windscreen, you’re in the right spot.

Laser Pointer

Similarly, you could opt for a laser pointer. It works in the same way as the tennis ball, by projecting a laser downwards, when it reaches a certain spot on the dash, you’ll know you’re in the right spot.

Parking Mat

A slightly different method, but one that works just as well is installing rigid PVC parking mats. These little mats have two raised sections, so once you drive over the first bump, you know you’re in the right spot.

Make pool noodles your best friend!

Pool Noodles

Protect car doors from dings by attaching pool noodles to the walls of your garage, or to a wooden post between two cars (if you park more than one car in the garage).

Keep tools and equipment out of the way

Instead of having tools and equipment leaning against a wall, securely hang them or place them in cabinets so they can’t simply fall off and damage your car. Another thing to consider is limiting the number of items you store on shelves. Vibrations can cause items on shelves to move, and the last thing you want is for them to drop off the edge like in an arcade game!


Broken WeatherSeal

Critters will try and find a way into your warm garage as soon as the temperatures drop, and they can get through tiny holes! So, check that the weather-stripping around your garage door is fully intact and if it’s not, get it replaced!

Unfortunately, rodents will still try and make their way into the garage even if it’s not insulated, but rather than curling up in a cozy corner of the garage, they’ll look for warmth close to your car’s engine!

Luckily, there’s an inexpensive way to keep rodents out of your garage that doesn’t involve harming them: mothballs, they can’t stand the smell of them!

Road salt

Men Washing a Car

Road salt, the kind used to increase friction on roads in the winter, is corrosive and can seriously damage cars. Reduce its effect by regularly washing your car in the winter. But, take care not to wash it when the temperature is below -15°C, unless you have a heated garage!

Some final words

Prevention is always better than the cure, so keep your garage clutter-free by having a big clean up at least twice a year!

However, if you’ve noticed that your garage door is in serious need of a service, or you think it might need replacing, give us a call at 1-800-780-3883. We’ll even come out to your home to analyze the situation and help you make an informed choice, or if you prefer, we can send you a detailed quotation via email.

If you are in the market for a new garage, have a look through our image gallery and try out our design center tool to see what your ideal garage would look like with your home.

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